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  • Pat's Rubber Leg Nymph - The Blue Quill Angler
    Pat's Rubber Leg Nymph - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Pat's Rubber Leg


    This is one of the hottest flies we have fished in a while. Super effective on the Arkansas, Blue, South Platte and Colorado Rivers. A must-have in...

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  • Stalcup's Baetis Nymph - Olive - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Stalcup's Baetis Nymph - Olive


    The one and only baetis nymph to never be without. A must have for early spring and late fall hatches.

  • Rsii Foam Wing Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Rsii Foam Wing Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    RS2 Foam Wing Emerger


    A new twist on an old standby, this little bug will catch fish!!! A great choice for most tailwaters in the country

  • Buckskin - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly



    Look, down in the water, it's a midge! No, it's a caddis! No, its a buckskin! The perfect imitation for all those little wiggly bugs that trout love.

  • Tungsten Zebra Midge - The Blue Quill Angler
    Tungsten Zebra Midge - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Tungsten Zebra Midge


    A staple midge pattern, that will nearly always produce fish.

  • Cheesman Emerger - Bead Head - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Cheesman Emerger - Bead Head


    A "local to Cheesman" emerger pattern that is great for all those emerging bug situations, especially mayflies!

  • Hatching Midge Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Hatching Midge Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Hatching Midge Emerger


    A low riding, super realistic midge emerger pattern that really works. A top choice year-round when midges are emerging.

  • Flossy Worm - The Blue Quill Angler
    Flossy Worm - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Flossy Worm


    Great Micro Worm Pattern for Spring and Fall. All patterns are Size #14

  • Bwo Cdc Loop Wing Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Bwo Cdc Loop Wing Emerger


    This is a great fly for spring and fall Blue Wing Olive hatches. Sits low in the film and will fool even the most selective trout.

  • Tungsten Pat's Rubber Legs - The Blue Quill Angler
    Tungsten Pat's Rubber Legs - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Tungsten Pat's Rubber Legs


    A twist on a classic. Pat's Rubber Legs is a staple in any fly fisher's box but why not have them with a tungsten bead!? Help these flies get down ...

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  • Split Case Bwo - Tungsten - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Split Case BWO - Tungsten


    The same great fly as the Split Case BWO with the added benefit of a tungsten bead which allows you to fish less weight on your leader or as a drop...

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  • Split Case Pmd - Tungsten - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Split Case PMD - Tungsten


    The same great fly as the Split Case PMD with the added benefit of a tungsten bead which allows you to fish less weight on your leader or as a drop...

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  • Rs-2 Copper Rib Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    RS2 Copper Rib Foam Emerger


    A real producer on the technical tailwaters here in Colorado. White foam wing really fools selective trout!!! If you like fishing tailgaters, mak...

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  • Dropper Hopper - The Blue Quill Angler
    Dropper Hopper - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Dropper Hopper


    This large grasshopper imitation needs no explanation. One of our favorites, and causes even to most wary trout to lose their minds

  • Bling Midge - The Blue Quill Angler
    Bling Midge - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Bling Midge


    An effective midge pattern for technical tailwaters and spring creeks with just enough ''''bling'''' to fool the wariest of trout. Get your bling o...

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  • Sprout Midge Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Sprout Midge Emerger - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Sprout Midge Emerger


    An effective pattern that fishes well on or below the surface. Sits low in the water when fished on top and when fished subsurface, hang on!

  • Brooks’ Sprout Baetis - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Brooks’ Sprout Baetis


    This low riding, easy to see emerger works great as a baetis cripple or "stuck in the shuck" blue wing olive.

  • Blue Wing Olive - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Blue Wing Olive


    Spring and Fall Pattern to imitate Baetis Dries

  • Tungsten Bead San Juan Worm - The Blue Quill Angler
    Tungsten Bead San Juan Worm - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Tungsten Bead San Juan Worm


    The ultimate pattern now with a tungsten bead. This is a must have for the serious nymph fisherman, especially in high, muddy water.

  • Kf Flasher - The Blue Quill Angler
    Kf Flasher - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Kf Flasher


    A killer emerging midge or blue wing pattern. This fly is best described as an emerging black beauty and with the wing case, this fly attracts fish...

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  • The Ticket Czech Nymph - The Blue Quill Angler
    The Ticket Czech Nymph - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    The Ticket Czech Nymph

    Original Price $2.95
    Current Price $1.50

    Just as the name implies, it is the Ticket. This fly is heavy enough to get down into those hard to reach places. A great spring, summer and fall...

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  • Assassin Jig Nymph - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    Assassin Jig Nymph


    A great pattern for a mayfly nymph that will really move in the water with the CDC soft hackle collar. Sold in eaches

  • Sculpzilla - The Blue Quill Angler
    Sculpzilla - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly



    Great streamer with heavy cone head to help get down faster in heavy water. Stinger hook gives the fly great movement and helps reduce tail-nips. S...

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  • No Hackle Dun Blue Wing Olive - The Blue Quill Angler
    Solitude Fly

    No Hackle Dun Blue Wing Olive


    The No Hackle Dun BWO is a great dry fly that creates a realistic silhouette of a spent BWO that just fell onto the surface of the water.
