Our Guides Are What Makes The Blue Quill Angler's Guide Service
One of the Best In the Country
There are a lot of fly fishing outfitters offering guided trips, but how do you know that you’re getting the higher level of experience and knowledge that you’re paying for? At The Blue Quill Angler, introducing new people to fly fishing and helping experienced anglers become even better is why we’re here. Our head guide and co-owner Pat Dorsey has been following his passion for fly fishing as a professional guide for over 30 years. Not only did Pat write the book on fly fishing the South Platte River, he is the Southwest Field Editor for Fly Fisherman Magazine, a member of Orvis Pro Team, a Simms Ambassador, and he’s involved with a variety of other prestigious names and organizations. It’s important at The Blue Quill Angler that all our guides share this profound passion for fly fishing while also having the highest level of expertise in the business.