Monday thru Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 3pm
1532 Bergen Pkwy
Evergreen, CO 80439

Barr's Emerger
Store pickup available
Developed by world renowned tier John Barr, this little fly really works. Super selective trout will pounce on this fly with reckless abandon. A must have for spring and fall fishing in the Rockies!!!
"I created the BARR EMERGER in 1975 after a frustrating day fishing a Pale Morning Dun hatch on Nelson’s Spring Creek in Paradise Valley outside Livingston Montana.
There was a great hatch, and it seemed like every fish in the creek was rising to them. I was frustrated because not only was the Light Cahill I was fishing catching nothing, the trout were not even taking the real duns.
They were eating little yellow specs off the surface. I was baffled. I saw a trout “accidentally” eat a real dun, which it promptly spit out. It was obvious these trout had eaten duns that had hooks in them and learned to avoid high floating dry flies.
At my vise that night I created the PMD EMERGER. I am still fishing it to this day as well as a BWO version."
- Signature Tyer John Barr Umpqua