Monday thru Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 3pm
1532 Bergen Pkwy
Evergreen, CO 80439

Whiting Hebert Miner Cape - Bronze Grade
Store pickup available
The Hebert Miner line offers the best range of natural duns, browns, creams, and badger available to the dry fly tyers of the world. These Bronze-graded capes produce natural color dry fly hackle, with a size range of #8-#22 (some smaller feathers towards the top of the cape). Great hackle if you are wanting to tie the most natural looking flies. A must have for tyers spinning up mayfly dry flies, or any dry calling for a natural color.
About Hebert Miner
Hebert Miner Hackle is a dry fly hackle of extraordinary quality; a premium product for the most discriminating fly tyer and fly fisher. Whiting Farms took control of the Hebert Miner gene pool in 1997. The Hebert Miner line provides some of the most natural colors available to fly tyers. The feathers are rich with colors and have a high sheen to them. In fact, Whiting Farms produces powerful browns and badgers, delicate creams and gingers, and the widest array of natural duns ever seen!