Solitude Fly
Extended Body Bwo
$2.25| /Extended body flies are super effective when the bugs are hatching as they sit low in the water and make the trout think they are stuck in the film...
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Solitude Fly
Extended Body Callibaetis
$2.75| /This is an extremely effective an life like Callibaetis dry!
Solitude Fly
Hackle Dun Pmd
$2.25| /When Pale Morning Duns are hatching or flying around, the Hackle Dun is a great choice to fool wary trout looking up. This pattern is a staff and g...
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Solitude Fly
Pmd Pullover Emerger
$2.25| /A really effective pattern that rides low in the water and will fool even the most selective trout.
Solitude Fly
$4.95| /Great streamer with heavy cone head to help get down faster in heavy water. Stinger hook gives the fly great movement and helps reduce tail-nips. S...
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Solitude Fly
Split Case PMD
$2.25| /A really cool Pale Morning Dun nymph that really works on our Western rivers and on the tailwaters back East for the Sulphur nymph. Super realisti...
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Solitude Fly
Tungsten Pat's Rubber Legs
$2.65| /A twist on a classic. Pat's Rubber Legs is a staple in any fly fisher's box but why not have them with a tungsten bead!? Help these flies get down ...
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Solitude Fly
$3.95| /Great articulated streamer pattern! An absolute deadly pattern for browns, rainbows, bass, walleye, pike, etc. This is a must have pattern for any ...
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Solitude Fly
Rusty Trombone
$3.95| /Another deadly streamer pattern! This is similar to the Goldie pattern, but tied in a darker color. This pattern hammers browns, rainbows, bass, pi...
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Solitude Fly
Translucent Pupa
$2.65| /A great sub surface caddis pattern! Fish this behind a dry or deeper on a nymph rig, and don't forget to swing it out! Excellent choice on both fre...
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Solitude Fly
Translucent Emerger
$2.65| /This pattern is a fantastic pattern during caddis hatches. The best part about it is that you can fish it as a dry or subsurface as a deadly emerge...
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Solitude Fly
CDC Baetis Dun
$2.65| /A deadly imposter during BWO hatches. This fly rides high and is a bit easier to see, especially when fishing the smaller sizes. This pattern is a ...
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Solitude Fly
CDC Biot Comparadun - BWO
$2.65| /A low riding deadly BWO dry fly! On technical waters, this is your answer. Originated by Shane Stalcup, this pattern is sure to fool even the picki...
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Solitude Fly
CDC Trico Male Dun
$2.65| /A solid Trico and Midge dry fly. This pattern is easier to see (compared to similar sized patterns) and fools fish all over. Fish this pattern year...
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Solitude Fly
Rusty Spinner
$2.65| /The Rusty Spinner is a must have pattern for the summer and early fall months! An ideal choice for the PMD spinner fall, as well as other spinner f...
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Solitude Fly
$2.65| /Having dry flies you're confident in plays a big role in your success on the river. This pattern is a proven fly that consistently fools fish durin...
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